Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Stoker Part I

1. acrylic paint
2. acrylic paint, pastel & pen
3. peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen

I'm doing something different these days. I had this project in mind to do stoker screen cap art. Initially I thought it would only take a day... But then my perfectionist self found an opportunity to work more in-depth with the screen-caps. To experiment, per-say. Honestly I should've made these short; 1-5 minutes total. But I got onto cutting on watercolor paper.

& You don't waste watercolor paper.
oh hell no you don't.

**All of these are in the beginning scene of Stoker.
It's quite the movie. (not quite out yet, but I have streamed it. (I KNOW IT'S BAD BUT I TOTALLY PLAN TO BUY THE MOVIE!!)

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