Sunday, April 6, 2014

Tuesday, April 1, 2014



It's been a while since I've last updated, and to be quite frank, not much has changed. Other than the fact that I'm about to graduate in a month, and other projects are going to take much of my time over that time period I decided to destress and do some art.... well, the last three at least.

The rest are interpretations of Tim Walker's work. ...except for the architecture one.

It's like an art barf.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Trader Joes

It's been over a month since I have last updated this blog. I've been drawing but I'm trying to keep some architecture drawings secret................... ehehehehehe
I honestly don't know what to write. Descriptions? Materials I've used?

The paper I used was the back of a trader joe's bag. I used pencil, colored pencils, white gel pen and a black brush pen.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Trying to develop images & illustrations for my architecture study book.

ughhhhh to do this continuously is tiring.
but anything good is worthwhile I suppose.

These days I've been really into drawing furniture. Maybe I'll show them, who knows.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Stoker Part I

1. acrylic paint
2. acrylic paint, pastel & pen
3. peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen

I'm doing something different these days. I had this project in mind to do stoker screen cap art. Initially I thought it would only take a day... But then my perfectionist self found an opportunity to work more in-depth with the screen-caps. To experiment, per-say. Honestly I should've made these short; 1-5 minutes total. But I got onto cutting on watercolor paper.

& You don't waste watercolor paper.
oh hell no you don't.

**All of these are in the beginning scene of Stoker.
It's quite the movie. (not quite out yet, but I have streamed it. (I KNOW IT'S BAD BUT I TOTALLY PLAN TO BUY THE MOVIE!!)

Sunday, June 9, 2013

tennis courts are sexy

pen, marker & pastel pencils
Tennis courts are sexy.

It's been more or less a week that has gone by since I have last updated. When I told myself that I would do a drawing a day, I stopped. I realized that I like to draw for myself and not as a personal goal. Drawing, sketching, and illustrating in a way, is for myself I suppose. Even for myself I couldn't do it. I wanted to do it to show others that I can.
Maybe I'm doing it for all the wrong reasons.

"Do what you love for a job" they say.
but then it all becomes mundane.
Maybe illustrating is a hobby for me, I don't know.

I'm at this point where I don't fully know what I want...
& I need to find out soon.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

oh george.

george likes pink ties

Joseph didn't want to swim... because he hates chlorine.

I drew on a sketchbook that I've made out of a trader joes bag. It's pretty fun to draw on. I think next time I'm going to make it smaller so it fits in pockets.